An image of the Marist rotunda.

Student Financial Services

本科 Students





Marist CSS配置文件
为 undergraduate international students


In order to qualify for need-based aid, you must demonstrate that without financial assistance, you could not afford to attend Marist. 学院通过评估你在填写经济援助表格时提供的信息来确定你的“需求”. (使用的公式是:就读成本减去估计家庭贡献等于需要). Need-based programs include grants, certain loans, and student employment.

In order for the Marist Grant-In-Aid to be renewed, the student must demonstrate 财务需要, be registered full time, 并在定性和定量测量方面保持令人满意的学术进步(2).0累积绩点 & 尝试与. 获得学分).

  • 如果符合条件, 该奖项颁发给在bet亚洲365欢迎投注全日制本科学习四年的学生.
  • 不可续期的马理斯特助学金只颁发给本学年的全日制学生. This grant is not guaranteed each year and is based upon 财务需要, which could change each year.
  • 奖学金不可续期,只发给成绩优异的学生, 财务需要, other financial aid resources available to students, and the funds available for the grant program.
  • 除非另有说明,奖金将在秋季和春季分两次等额支付. 在核实学生在该学期的全日制入学情况并保持必要的学术指标后,奖学金将直接存入学生的账户.

Federal Pell Grant Program

联邦佩尔助学金计划是一项联邦援助计划,为无法负担本科教育的学生提供经济援助. 佩尔助学金提供了经济援助的基础,其他援助可能会增加.

政府目前规定,为了有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金,公民或符合条件的非公民必须在认可的大学注册或被录取,并且必须在定性和定量测量(2)上保持令人满意的学术进步.0累积绩点 & 尝试与. 获得学分). To find out if you qualify for Pell you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, (FAFSA).

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)是为有特殊经济需要的本科生提供的, 预期家庭贡献(EFCs)最低的学生,也有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金. 学生还必须在定性和定量测量(2)上保持令人满意的学术进步.0累积绩点 & 尝试与. 获得学分)

What is the difference between the Pell and the FSEOG?

美国.S. 教育部保证每所参与的学校将获得足够的资金来支付其符合条件的学生的联邦佩尔助学金. There's no guarantee every eligible student will be able to receive an FSEOG; students at each school may be awarded an FSEOG based on the availability of funds at that school.

Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship

Beginning with the 2018-2019 academic year, 有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生,其父母或监护人在担任公共安全官员时因公殉职,可能有资格根据《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》获得最高佩尔助学金. 请联系学生金融服务办公室,电话845-575-3230,了解有关此补助金以及如何证明资格的更多信息. 


A Federal TEACH Grant provides up to $3,964.为完成FAFSA并符合联邦学生援助资格要求的学生提供每年40美元的助学金.  Students must also intend to teach in a full-time, 在为低收入家庭学生提供服务的学校学习至少四年的高需求学科,并在完成课程后的八年内完成这四年的教学. 

The conditions for receiving a TEACH Grant are as follows:

  1. 你必须完成FASFA,尽管你不需要证明你有经济需要.
  2. Graduation from high school with a 3.平均绩点25分或以上,或在大学入学考试中得分高于第75百分位.
  3. 主修被指定为高需求学科领域的课程(双语教育), 外语, 数学, Reading Specialist, 科学, or Special Education). 为 more information, please visit:医生

请注意,如果你不能在八年内完成这个教学义务, 补助金将转为联邦直接无补贴贷款,利息自补助金首次发放之日起计息.

Please feel free to contact the Office of Student Financial Services at 845-575-3230 for more information regarding this program.

TEACH Grant Fact Sheet. 

Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
New York State Residents Only
如果您是纽约州居民(至少过去12个月),您可能有资格获得这项州补助金. You must be a matriculated full-time student (12 credits or more). TAP奖励必须由位于注册官办公室的TAP认证人员进行认证. There is a separate application that must be completed online, each year. 
TAP eligibility requirements

NY State Scholarships
Scholarships are "free money" awarded based on various factors.  Some may require certain conditions be met or have a service component.

VSAC Incentive 奖助金
Vermont Residents Only
Any Vermont student who plans to attend college full-time, and doesn't already have a bachelors degree, is eligible to apply for a Vermont Incentive grant. 佛蒙特州居民在州外机构就读,请访问网站@ for application criteria.

在2018年秋季或之后首次入学的传统本科生有资格享受每门三学分课程750美元的夏季折扣, 最高1美元,500. 这个折扣允许学生以很大的折扣参加暑期课程. 请注意:学生只有在公布的本科生每学分学费没有折扣的情况下才有资格享受夏季折扣.

Marist students enroll in summer session courses for a variety of reasons, including to create room for additional internships, 研究, or travel opportunities. 许多人会在工作中使用这些课程来获得学位学分, while others get ahead with credits to graduate early. 所有的暑期课程都由玛丽斯特教授授课,并100%在线提供.

这个折扣可以在第一年之后的夏天开始,并且可以每年续签, provided you maintain full-time enrollment, 直到毕业. The award may not be used during traditional semesters (fall and spring). 它也不能用于非马克思主义课程或研究生水平的学习. Students do not need to enroll each summer to be eligible for subsequent years; however, if the funds are not utilized in a given summer, they are forfeited and cannot be applied to any prior or future course.