

传播学院 & 艺术


在圣母, 时尚的商品 is much more than a major – it’s a h和s-on, immersive learning experience. 我们的时尚营销专业的学生取得了很高的成功,因为他们在毕业前就已经有多年的经验进入了时尚行业.

Image of fashion program video thumbnail.


A Diverse Curriculum To Prepare 为 Your Career

商业专业依赖于基础课程,如文化时尚 & 商务, Digital Software Studies 和 Textiles, then advances with concentration-specific offerings in Business, 产品开发, 时尚推广. Learn more about each of the 时尚的商品 concentrations below:


The Business concentration focuses on the planning, 采购, 市场营销 aspects of the fashion business 和 includes courses such as:

  • Retailing Principles 和 Practices
  • Merch和ise Planning 和 控制
  • 购买、规划 & 分配

产品开发 Concentration

产品开发集中探讨自有品牌或品牌商品的发展, 供应链管理, the use of product data management techniques. 课程包括:

  • 供应链管理
  • 自有品牌发展
  • 品牌 & 许可
  • 高级PDM软件
  • 可持续性

Fashion Promotion Concentration

The Fashion Promotion concentration explores the relationship between br和, product 和 consumer behavior, 以及它所扮演的动态角色. Students engage in course work focusing on trend, 品牌, creative 市场营销 和 communication, 社交媒体, 电子商务, 活动策划及制作, 以及数字媒体创作. 课程包括:

  • 活动策划
  • 时装表演制作
  • 时尚社交媒体
  • 时尚电子商务
  • 零售企业


时装设计专业的学生有机会辅修时装销售,以提高他们的学术经验. 将时装设计专业与时装销售辅修相结合,可以平衡创意设计课程与时装销售行业知识.

Front Row 和 Backstage at Milan Fashion Week

玛丽斯特大学的学生获得了世界上最独特的时尚活动之一——米兰时装周的前排座位和后台. Nearly two dozen students studying 时装设计, 时尚的商品, global 市场营销 communications 沉浸在被认为是“四大”之一的全球时尚盛事中. Through the College’s partnership with Italian designer 弗朗西斯卡Liberatore, 在重要的行业活动中动手学习,帮助玛丽斯特的时尚课程成为高等教育中最好的课程之一.

H和s-on 时尚的商品 Experience


bet亚洲365欢迎投注的均衡教育将严格的课堂经验与理想领域的实际应用相结合, the 时尚的商品 major is no exception. 时尚营销专业的学生有广泛的现实世界学习机会, 包括运行 MPorium, our on-campus retail boutique, creating the next issue of 测量杂志, Marist’s fashion magazine, producing the 银针跑道 Fashion Show, the largest event production presented by Marist annually.

Explore the most recent volumes of the magazine below.
Go to 测量杂志 >



Cutting-Edge Fashion Facilities

在圣母, 我们决心不仅提供教育,而且提供物理工具,以促进您的成功和准备进入时尚行业. 随着我们的 纺织品设计实验室时尚Makerspace, 时尚营销专业的学生可能会得到最多的使用和经验 MPorium:我们校园内的创业精品店,由时尚营销专业的学生储备和经营. Functioning as a retail laboratory, MPorium让您有机会深入了解运行和维护时尚企业所需的细微差别, including Human Resource 管理/工作人员ing, 客户服务, 市场营销, 视觉陈列, 及商品策划 & 控制.

Learn More bet亚洲365欢迎投注 The Steel Plant>

我喜欢bet亚洲365欢迎投注的一件事是,当我毕业时,我知道我将会成功. 老师们, 工作人员, the professors provide a community feeling, people have pushed me to do better. I’m not just a number, people want me to do well.


Read Cameron's Story >



Read Hannah's Story >

时尚系的教员们帮了大忙. They make sure I’m registering for the right classes, as well as taking classes I want to be taking, they help me look for internship 和 job opportunities. 在我个人成长的过程中,学院也发挥了至关重要的作用,为我提供了毕业后在时尚行业取得成功所需的工具.


Read Rebecca's Story >

吸引我的是玛丽斯特的校园,以及深入文科和探索更广泛课程的机会. 伴随着时尚, 我可以选修环境科学和全球研究等领域的课程. I’ve been very involved in the Fashion Program’s ethical fashion initiative.


Read Teresa's Story >

在彪马实习, 我能够编制趋势预测,我的老板能够与公司德国总部的高级领导层分享.


Read Samantha's Story >

During my internship with Abercrombie & 惠誉, working in outerwear 和 also accessories, I noticed many similarities between the two product categories. This connection laid the foundation for my senior collection, 我与时装设计专业讲师钟doori密切合作开发了它.


Career Success in the Fashion Industry

作为Marist的一名服装设计专业的学生,早在毕业前就已经完成了行业经验, you’ll have a competitive edge unlike any other student entering the field. And our students have l和ed the jobs to prove it. 以下只是一些今天自豪地聘用玛丽斯特时尚校友的主要时尚机构的例子:

Develop The Skills You Need To Succeed



Gain a foundational-level 理解ing of fashion trend theories; begin to effectively anticipate, 理解, utilize basic terminology used to describe fashion, garments 和 textiles; 和 explain the process of apparel production from concept.

Image of 时尚趋势预测 & 分析图标.

时尚趋势预测 & 分析

了解预测时尚的理论和实践组成部分,并使用专业的案例研究来展示每种技术和概念. 学习潮流预测的机制和功能以及时尚预测员的职责.
Image of 公共演讲 icon.


Prepare for your senior capstone project, where you will develop a research report that defines a successful product, 市场营销, 以及财务计划. 你将被要求向一组教师和行业高管展示你的项目.
Image of Underst和ing of Textile 科学 icon.

Underst和ing of Textile 科学

发展纺织工业中使用的术语的工作词汇表以及它们如何影响纺织品的性能, which enables you to make informed decisions concerning textile end use.
Image of 零售策略 icon.


Analyze the retail industry by store/customer type, store strategy. Underst和 different consumer behaviors 和 perform a trading area analysis, 确定目标市场, discuss how relationship 市场营销 is the key to success.
Image of 数码时装设计 icon.


创建技术, 销售, 规范公寓, 以及各种服装细节和时尚人物使用Adobe Illustrator直观地开发服装结构和细节的理解.

“就在纽约北部, bet亚洲365欢迎投注校区俯瞰哈德逊河,提供了一个更宁静的环境,专注于你的创作过程. How serious is the college about its commitment to fashion? A br和-new, dedicated Digital Arts & 时尚大厦于2019年1月开放,所有最先进的技术都在学生们的指尖上. You can catch the 35th anniversary 银针跑道 时尚毕业生亲自体验马瑞斯特风格."

Read Full Article>

Students walking in front of the rotunda

在圣母, 我们致力于为学生提供全面的文科教育,为他们在各自领域的实践经验和深刻的成功做好准备,我们为此感到自豪. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public 和 private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation


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