Campus Communications

Getting to Know Marist’s President Kevin Weinman

Anthony Proia, Director of Media Relations

2022年9月22日——凯文·温曼(Kevin Weinman)去年秋天来到bet亚洲365欢迎投注,成为该学院的第五任校长. Since then, he’s been a very visible presence on campus. 在任何一天, you can see him holding student office hours, attending campus lectures, 体育赛事, musical and theatrical performances and cultural celebrations. 他还拜访了在意大利留学的玛丽斯特学生,并与全国各地的校友建立了联系.

At the Marist Florence 毕业典礼 ceremonies in May 2022

虽然火星教徒已经了解了很多bet亚洲365欢迎投注温曼总统的事, 包括他在高等教育领域的职业生涯以及他对圣母学院的愿景, there are some things you still may not know about him. 我们和他坐下来,想要列出十件bet亚洲365欢迎投注他生活的事,这十件事可能是基督教徒不知道的, 但灵感几乎来自奈杰尔·塔夫内尔在经典电影《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》中的表演, this list had to go to 11.




  1. 25岁的时候, Kevin had been to all 50 states, 尽管在上大学之前从未去过大西洋以外的州.  Incessant road-tripping to Notre Dame away football games, camping in national parks all across the country, and always taking back roads, and roads less traveled, led to this “accomplishment.“第50州”恰如其分地指的是夏威夷,是他与贝丝结婚后度蜜月的地方.  Thankfully Kevin hit Oklahoma as state #49 a few months prior, which meant they could avoid a layover in Tulsa on their way to Hawaii.
  2. 尽管他在他的《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》中对他心爱的死亡出租车进行了冗长的即兴表演(双关语) commencement speech to the class of 2022, 凯文说他最喜欢的音乐是“20世纪90年代任何响亮的音乐”,对《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》和《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》都有特殊的亲和力.  他既不承认也不否认在过去的几十年里参加过菲什的许多即兴乐队的音乐会, 普遍的恐慌, 调度, 诸如此类.  他回答了“如果被困在荒岛上,你想带哪张专辑”的问题?” is 郊区 Arcade Fire.  Because he spent 9 years researching and writing a Ph.D. dissertation about suburbanization, so of course it is.
  3. Speaking of, Kevin is a scholar of suburbanization and wrote his Ph.D. 论文 about the growth and development of Douglas County, 科罗拉多州, the nation’s fastest growing county in the 1980s and 1990s out of 3,000 counties nationwide.  他创作“看不见的郊区”的想法来自于他在I-25公路上开车从科罗拉多斯普林斯到他在丹佛南部工作的许多天, stuck in traffic where the map suggested there should be no traffic.  His discovery: Highlands Ranch, an ‘invisible suburb’ of 110,000人至今仍未合并(因此不在大多数地图上).  他承认,直接问别人会容易得多.
  4. Kevin has a twin sister, 卡琳, 她比他晚出生12分钟(他从未让她忘记这个事实:他经常把自己定位为她的“大哥”)。.  他们在新泽西州的一个小郊区长大,上的是一所很小的公立高中,卡琳是高年级的班长,凯文是高年级的副班长, because if Kevin tried to run against 卡琳 in the election, he says he would have lost in a landslide. 

    image of Alex and Brooke Weinman on the pond, a familiar sight
    Alex and Brooke Weinman on the pond, a familiar sight
  5. Kevin and Beth are proud and committed hockey parents.  他的两个孩子亚历克斯(21岁)和布鲁克(17岁)从3岁起就开始滑冰. 温曼一家花了数千个小时去新英格兰和新斯科舍等更遥远的地方的冰球场, 蒙特利尔, 和费城. They believe they have been to every single ice rink in New England, 并且可以根据它们的冷程度对它们进行评级(范围从“真的很冷”到“这个游戏能不能结束,这样我们就可以解冻脚趾了。”.”)

    After the 2021 Pike’s Peak Ascent in 科罗拉多州 in 2021
  6. Kevin has been an endurance athlete at times in his life, completing 7 marathons (Chicago, 华盛顿, 得梅因, 达拉斯, 德卢斯, 圆锥形的帽子, 缅因州, 和基亚瓦岛, 南卡罗来纳), 9 half-ironman triathlons (1.两英里长游泳, 56英里的自行车, 13-mile run – races in 蒙特利尔, 博尔德, 温尼珀索基湖, and the Finger Lakes), and three Pike’s Peak Ascents.  “Finishing does not mean I did any of them well,” Kevin clarifies.
  7. Kevin appears as an extra in the 1993 movie Rudy, filmed on the Notre Dame campus when he was a senior.  His acting career lasted all of about 2 ½ seconds, 他的屏幕时间, about an hour and eighteen minutes in, 限定在主角的左脸的一个简短的镜头, 肖恩·阿斯汀饰演, 在餐厅为他和其他临时表演的神学院学生提供食物. 为 this work, he earned $3.每小时35美元,不过那一年的“最佳剧情片临时演员”奖颁给了别人.
  8. Kevin loves spreadsheets. 自20世纪90年代末以来,他一直在同一个电子表格上追踪和记录他生活中的一切, including daily workouts, 重量, 个人财务状况, 等等....... Yes, he understands how lame this is.  但他确实如此, so loves spreadsheets, with their endless rows, 列, 和标签…公式, VLOOKUP的, 数据透视表, 等.
  9. 凯文一生都很喜欢狗,尤其是西高地白梗(也被称为“西犬”)。. 凯文从小就和他的妈妈多洛雷斯养的多只西犬一起长大. Beth and Kevin have been Westie parents to Oliver (lived to age 15), and now Abbe (13 years-old and counting). Westies are totally known for having no idea how small they are, and for taking complete charge of the situation.  结果,贝丝和凯文永远害怕一个体重不到20磅的生物.

    image of: Abbe is the Weinman’s 13-year-old Westy and a big Marist fan
    Abbe is the Weinman’s 13-year-old Westie and a big Marist fan
  10. 作为一个土生土长的纽约人,凯文是纽约(某些)运动队的爱好者.  最喜欢:大都会, 巨人队(他非常喜欢住在新英格兰,因为巨人队击败了爱国者队,赢得了两次超级碗冠军), 最重要的是, the New Jersey Devils and their three Stanley Cups.  而纽约游骑兵队的冰球迷在这个国家的这个地区要多得多, 自罗斯福政府以来,他们只有一次斯坦利杯(富兰克林), 没有泰迪, 因为这对他们来说会比现在更尴尬.)
  11. Kevin reports that he is a spectacularly bad golfer.  如果一个人衡量一轮高尔夫的“价值”是基于他在把球打进洞之前击球的次数, Kevin is doing great!  即使是我们优秀的理学院的老师也无法解释他的一些投篮是如何落到他们的位置上的, 因为当凯文手里拿着7号铁杆时,物理定律就不适用了.  当他在球场上时,没有人是安全的,包括圣母学院董事会的成员.  凯文最近打了一个高尔夫球,球撞上了当时一名董事驾驶的高尔夫球车, on a totally different hole. 


