








你为什么选择在bet亚洲365欢迎投注攻读研究生学位? 你为什么选择攻读这个学位课程? 

I originally chose Marist for my undergraduate degree because I was so impressed by the atmosphere of the campus and Marist’s values. 我在大学期间的经历进一步强化了这一点. I made great friends and connections with other students, professors, and administrators. 当圣母谈起它的社区价值观和服务承诺时, 通过这些人,我亲眼看到了这些理想的重要性. 所有这些人不断地激励着我想要为别人做更多的事情. The most impactful experiences came through my time in working as a Resident Assistant. I often found residents coming to talk to me about their problems and I realized that this was something that I wanted to do 专业 with my life. 在我读本科期间,我听了一个讲座. bet亚洲365欢迎投注临床心理健康咨询项目的演讲. At this lecture he talked about how this degree would be the first step on the journey to become a full-time counselor. 当时,这似乎是理所当然的. I would be able to work towards the degree that I wanted at the institution that had truly become my home 

Graduate school though would be something that I knew that would be incredibly difficult for me to afford. As I had been connected to the Office of 住房 and 住宅生活 during my undergraduate program I was able to see first-hand as various RDs before had been able to balance working full time and pursing a degree from Marist in Public Administration. It inspired me to want to do the same but with my chosen degree of Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I ended up being able to work full time for Marist as well as be a full time student in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program in the 3 Year track. Marist是一个希望看到人们成功的环境, 尤其是那些努力追求梦想的人. I am lucky that I was able to both work for and attend 2 educational programs that provided spaces where I could succeed.  


With my degree from Marist I plan to become a licensed mental health counselor ideally in a college counseling setting. My internship was at the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Counseling Center and it inspired me to want to continue working with this population.  


Tell us about a project or course that was particularly meaningful to your professional development / academic development.

I think the most important professional and academic component to my degree was the internship that was required for the program. 我在家庭服务中心和圣母大学咨询中心都实习过. I was able to work hands on with clients directly to best prepare for a career in the field. Other classes that had a clear impact included Multicultural Foundations in Counseling and Counseling Techniques. Techniques provided the opportunity to practice the necessary skills for a counseling session in way that we could enhance our natural skills and refine techniques that we were learning. Multicultural Foundations was also critical as it provided a space to look into the lives of others and have difficult honest conversations as a class. These classes together helped me to feel most prepared to going into the counseling field.  


What is one meaningful experience  you had at Marist as it pertains to your degree?

I think the most meaningful experiences at Marist are connected to the follow up of the pandemic. 我参加这个项目的时候,这个项目进入了第二年. Every week I had professors checking in on how I was doing as a person in navigating all the challenges that year brought. It meant so much to me that I had graduate level professors who genuinely cared about my well being as a person and not just as my abilities as a student. This is something that other friends of mine in different programs were astounded by, 因为他们在学校有非常不同的经历. Those little check-ins from the professors helped to keep me going during a difficult time.  

另外, I was brought on to work on a research project about well prepared my classmates felt in the quick transition to telehealth services. At the start of our program telehealth was referred to as an abnormal service that are not as strong as in person services. I appreciated that the professional staff cared enough to want to have critical feedback about what adaptations may be needed for the future of the program. 这个研究项目不仅提供了一个思考如何成长的空间, but also gave my classmates the space to vent about how difficult it was to be in the field during this critical point in history. At the end of interviews most students made comments about how helpful the conversation was, 只要有一个空间来谈论和反思的情况.  


What advice would you give to a student considering pursuing this degree at Marist? 

我的建议是去做! 我喜欢我在临床心理健康咨询项目的时光. I learned not only the skills needed to be a mental health counselor and I also learned a lot about myself. This is a program that is designed not only to give you the skills needed for a career, 同时也是个人成长的空间. 我学会了如何处理各种相互冲突的需求, 了解自己的界限, 它真的帮助我了解了我人生的下一章想要什么. So I guess to those who decided to come here be open to learning more than just about what you read in the textbook. The conversations and connections that this program provides are irreplaceable.  

I cannot speak more highly of bet亚洲365欢迎投注 and the experiences that it has provided me academically, 专业, 和个人. bet亚洲365欢迎投注是人们体验的地方. I have never felt more supported in an environment to succeed in all aspects of my life.  
