
当代课程教育理学硕士 & 指令


Marist’s MS in Education (MSED) is the perfect path to your professional teaching certification. 在儿童和青少年教育方面, 以及校园和网络模式, this master’s program is designed to be flexible and accessible for working teachers. 在教师的密切指导下, 高级课程, 还有一个电子作品集来展示你的作品, 教育硕士学位将把你的教学生涯提升到一个新的水平.



The MS in Education at Marist is particularly designed for teachers with an initial teaching certification seeking their professional teaching certification. 在这个节目中, 由纽约州教育部批准, 教师在公共场合, 私人, and international school settings explore the theory and hands-on practice of the psychology behind being an excellent educator.


The Master of 科学 in Education offers two educational tracks: 幼儿教育(1-6年级) and Adolescent Education (grades 7-12) plus the Middle School Extension (grades 5-6).


The Childhood Education track meets the academic requirements for application to Professional Certification in 幼儿教育(1-6年级) for candidates with initial teacher certification in this area.

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The Adolescent Education track meets the academic requirements for application to Professional Certification in Adolescent Education (grades 7-12) and is designed for candidates who possess initial certification in one of the Adolescence Education areas. This track also meets the academic requirements for initial and professional certification in Middle School Extension (grades 5-6).

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Graduate with an MS in Education and earn your New York State Department of Education-approved professional teaching certification in as little as three semesters.



专为在职教师设计, 该计划以校园形式提供夜校课程, 以及一个基于在线队列的模型.



从你的第一道菜开始, you’ll develop a NYS-approved electronic portfolio to showcase your knowledge and skills to future school employers.


Marist’s MS in Education is designed specifically for the working teacher with flexible program and format options:

  • 校园模型:提供全职和兼职在bet亚洲365欢迎投注波基普西, 纽约大学, this model is designed with evening classes and limited summer classes for full-time students to complete in three to four semesters and a part-time student to complete at their own pace in under five years.
  • 在线模型:基于队列的程序模型, this program utlilizes Marist’s superior online resources to offer you a fully online degree with no set class times. The online program is interactive with your professors and colleagues through discussions and shared projects. 在适合你的时间完成每周的目标. 每门课程都没有固定的时间和日期. 学生在两年内完成本课程.

我觉得bet亚洲365欢迎投注为我未来的职业生涯做了很好的准备. It has helped me become a well-rounded individual who is able to take the theories I’ve learned and put them to practice. 例如, I am currently using the skills I’ve learned at Marist to teach children with autism at Hudson Valley Behavioral Solutions in Hopewell Junction. Marist has a deservedly great reputation, and students graduate with an amazing experience. I highly recommend coming to Marist, especially for those who are looking to become teachers. The programs the College offers, both academic and extracurricular, have exceeded my expectations.



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During my first year of teaching, I found the usefulness of educational psychology in the classroom. bet亚洲365欢迎投注能够提供一个我非常感兴趣的学位, 以及一个在纽约获得专业认证的项目, 是什么让这个项目非常适合我. 也, 在线课程使我能够继续我的教育, 同时还能在萨拉托加斯普林斯全职任教. This program has helped me to understand the whole child and apply this knowledge to my classroom daily. Each course I took at Marist has been directly applicable to what I am doing every day in the classroom, whether it be understanding assessment in a new way or viewing adolescents with a new light.



Read Micaela's Story >

I feel very prepared in my current teaching position thanks to everything I have learned and experienced at Marist! I feel confident with the teaching pedagogy and teaching experience that Marist allowed me to obtain. 在一门阅读课程中, 我们必须为一个真正的学生设定一个目标, and then work with them for 30 minutes every week to try to meet the reading goal. 尽管这很有挑战性, it was very rewarding seeing all of our hard work planning lessons for our student pay off!



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对我来说,这个项目的亮点是让我的团队成为一个家庭, 总是碰到同学,互相鼓励, 在教授办公室里“啊哈”的时刻, and having that extra time to enjoy everything that makes this school so great: the river, 的日落, 每天在校园里看到熟悉的面孔. All of the faculty in the Educational Psychology program were wonderful and they all played a big part in shaping my career. 和我所有的教授, I have found a connection inside and outside of the classroom that allowed for my learning to feel personal.



Read Justine's Story >


当你报名参加教育心理学课程时, you will graduate from Marist with the skills you need to secure ideal career placements anywhere. 事实上, we'll work closely with you to determine the best internships and career experience to ensure your success after graduation. Below is just a glimpse at the career opportunities that await you after completing the MS in Education from Marist.

Logos of Educational Psychology career destinations: Ossining Union Free School District, 奥兰治县公立学校, 波基普西市学区, 玛根,大卫,耶和华
教育心理学职业目的地的标志:约翰·杰伊高中, Taconic Resources for Independence, 公司, 沃尔基尔中央学区, 和圣心学院
