photo of students in the Marist campus

Institutional Research & 规划



Survey 信息rmation

Student Evaluation of Marist Services

We would like to know something very important from the student body: how well is Marist fulfilling your needs? The Student Evaluation of Marist Services (SEMS) gives students the opportunity to provide their honest feedback for the various services in which the school offers. SEMS will ask a series of questions on topics including: academic support, social & cultural environment, 餐饮服务, undergrad activities, graduate/成人 services, and accommodations in Italy. The results from the survey will be used by nearly every department to gauge how well they are satisfying the needs of the students and what they can improve on. Each student who completes the survey by April 30th will be entered into a raffle where they have a chance to win the following prizes:

  • One of two iPads 
  • One of five Marist sweatshirts
  • One of two "Get out of Jail Parking pass" - will void a parking ticket 
  • Two senior formal tickets (seniors only) 
  • A gift card to local resturant in Italy (Florence students only)

: The entire Marist student body, including: under毕业生, 毕业生, 成人, and students studying in Italy and Ireland.

在哪里: Students can take SEMS through an email invitation that will be sent to their Marist Mail accounts. We recommend using a computer or tablet to complete it. 

: The first email will be sent out on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, and will contain the invitation that enables students to access the survey. Four follow up emails will be sent as reminders on April 1st, April 8th, and April 15th. The survey will close on April 30, 2018.

为什么重要?bet亚洲365欢迎投注 strives to give every student the best experience they can possibly have. In order to achieve this, accurate data is needed to determine which services offered by the school are beneficial and which need to be fixed. Every opinion is crucial in fostering change because there is greater power in numbers. The more students who provide feedback of their experience with Marist services, the more accurate the data will be, thus allowing better decisions to be made.

If you have additional questions about the survey, email the Office of Institutional Research and 规划 at