students talking to each other




Assistant Dean of Student Engagement & 领导, 罗宾·迪勒·托雷斯

Image of Assistant Dean of Student Engagement and 领导, 罗宾 Torres


Office - Student Center Rotunda Rm. 385
电子邮件: 罗宾


In her current role as Assistant Dean of Student Engagement & 领导, 罗宾 is responsible for the oversight of the Offices of 第一年课程 and Student Activities, 取向, 新兴领袖, 学生会, and other strategic initiatives in the division of Student Affairs. 罗宾 has served as an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of Social and Behavioral 科学s and the School of 传播与艺术 since 1996.


家乡: Born and raised in New York, New York - The East Village.


BA, Literature - SUNY Purchase; MA, Psychology - bet亚洲365欢迎投注

Licensed Mental Health Counselor - New York State

Advanced Certificate in Executive 领导 - Cornell University

我最早的圣母记忆...追溯到1989年, when the wonderful staff here allowed me - a total stranger -- to borrow Adrian Hall (a building that no longer exists) to host an event for another college. That was the first time I experienced the strong sense of community and generosity that exists on this campus. Three years later, I interviewed, accepted a job, and moved here with my family. 这是一个伟大的决定.

My parents used to always say to me...是积极的 matter what it is, it can always be better, but it should never be worse.

我最喜欢的电影之一是...补丁亚当斯. Anyone who knows me knows I share the belief that "laughter is the best medicine!" As a student and teacher of community psychology, how can you not love a movie about a change agent who defies labels, solves problems by thinking outside the box, and recognizes that each of us are healers. My favorite line from the film: "If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. 不要把注意力集中在问题上!"

My friends would describe me as...humorous, caring, trustworthy, persuasive and honest to a fault. Oh, there is also klutzy, verbose and the single worst driver they know!

My biggest "mentors" growing up were my parents...My Father was a brilliant, honorable man who forgot in this life  more than most will ever learn. He inspired us to read, to be musical, to live in the moment and to treat everyone with respect. 我的母亲 one had or will ever have the intuition, humor or overall "people-smarts" that were her inherent gifts.

If I could travel anywhere, I'd go to...以色列. After 8 years of Hebrew School and many years teaching the language and culture to little kids and teens, I'd love to "test drive my linguistical skills" and I hear the falafel is terrific. 作为更新, I was fortunate enough to experience this dream in March 2010 during Marist's first spring attachment course in 以色列. It was an unforgettable experience and "yes, the falafel is amazing!"

When not busy with things at Marist...I spend as much time as I can with my husband, twin teenagers, son, and puppies. 我教社区心理学, 公共演讲, and Psychology of Self Development at Marist, and serve as a Trustee and "Gabbai" for my synagogue. I am a writer presently working on my next book, and I serve on the Advisory Board of the National Society of 领导 and Success. I am also a Gallup certified Executive Coach and I provide leadership workshops in the Hudson Valley area.  In addition to my beautiful family, I am blessed with a large "family of friends," that I spend as much time with as I can. Hobbies are reading, music, social media and "compulsive cleaning."

My message to the students of Marist is...“让它成为你自己的." Maximize all that is here for you to create a unique and meaningful experience. Take that tough class that interests you. Why not add that second major or minor? 选择一条独特的道路. Study abroad if you can (believe me, you can). Go out of your way to meet wonderful people who are nothing like you...but who share your sense of values. Be a leader, that's why we chose you in the first place. 最重要的是, if you have one of those days where you feel like "no one cares," know that a number of us have chosen to make your success our life's work!