
Students Dedicate Spring Break to Service and Learning

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Students in 爱尔兰 on Spring attachment. Photo courtesy of 汤米Zurhellen.

March 26, 2024 - There was no stopping Marist students over spring break this year! While some basked in the beauty of beaches, others seized the opportunity to broaden their horizons with cultural excursions, 沉浸式依恋项目, and meaningful community service projects.

Discover some of the captivating spring break adventures below.

国际学生 访问 the United Nations

Image of international students in NYC

International students on United Nations excursion in New York City. Photo courtesy of les加西亚, International Student Services Office.

Ten Marist international students visited the United Nations in New York City. The excursion was organized by Director of International Student Services les加西亚. The trip presented the students with a chance to foster deeper connections within the global community and also allowed ample time for exploring the vibrant streets of Manhattan.

“It was a great opportunity to learn something new over Spring break,” 说 Karina Syrota '26. “At the UN there were so many different nationalities represented and since we are all international students it was interesting to exchange our thoughts and experiences. 我们要旁听会议, see how the representatives interacted, and then have free time in New York City afterward.”

Building Houses with Habitat for Humanity in Florida

Image of students outside Habitat for Humanity house project.

Students in front of the Habitat for Humanity house they worked on. Photo courtesy of Savanah Pinto ’24.

A group of 14 Marist students traveled to Charlotte County, Florida to participate in the annual bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Habitat for Humanity Challenge. The students assisted in building homes after damages done by Hurricane Ian. 学生们粉刷墙壁, put up structures for windows and walls, and secured trusses among other work.

“Throughout the whole Habitat for Humanity trip, 即使在工作现场之外, 我们是一个团队,24岁的萨凡纳·平托说. “Meeting one of the families who was receiving a home truly showed me what a great impact Habitat for Humanity has. The family we met was so kind, genuine, and excited, and their story moved me to tears. I love knowing I’m making a difference in other people’s lives.”

Spirited Student Supporters at the MAAC Tournament


The bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Band led by Dr. Malcolm Jones, Director of Music (正面和中间). Photo courtesy of Hanna Sharkey ’24.

As the Marist men's and women's basketball teams made their way to the MAAC Championships, they were accompanied by a spirited team of supporters, 包括球迷, 啦啦队, 舞蹈队, 还有bet亚洲365欢迎投注乐队.

汉娜·夏基24岁, a band member who played at the tournament, 说, “When we weren’t playing for the exciting games, we were enjoying time on the beach, 在木板路上, 或者在赌场里. My friend and I even played violin and guitar 在木板路上 for pedestrians.”

Students Explore 爱尔兰 for Spring Attachment Course: 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》


一群学生,在博士的带领下. Dathalinn O'Dea, 访问ing Assistant Professor of English with Associate Professor 汤米Zurhellen, 去了都柏林和戈尔韦, 爱尔兰, on a spring break attachment program to experience firsthand the cultural and historical contexts for the literature they study in class. Students followed in the footsteps of some of 爱尔兰's greatest modern and contemporary writers and visited historic sites, 博物馆, 和剧院.

“今年, our short-term program to 爱尔兰 was truly 'A Tale of Two Cities' as it allowed students to experience the stark differences between cosmopolitan Dublin and the natural beauty of the wild west coast of 爱尔兰 around Galway,泽海伦教授说. "The students loved immersing themselves in authentic Irish culture and collaborating with established Irish authors to create a unique learning experience."
